Du Barry Was a Lady is a Broadway musical, with music and lyrics by Cole Porter, and the book by Herbert Fields and Buddy DeSylva. The musical starred Bert Lahr, Ethel Merman and Betty Grable. The musical was made into a 1943 Technicolor film Du Barry Was a Lady.
A washroom attendant, Louis Blore, has won a sweepstakes, and subsequently quits his job. He is in love with the nightclub singer May Daly, but she is in love with Alex Barton. Alex is the brother of her friend Alice, who is in love with Harry Norton. Meanwhile, Alex is unhappily married to Ann. Charley, Louis's replacement, suggests that Louis slip Alex a Mickey Finn. While trying to do so, Louis inadvertently drinks the Mickey Finn, falls asleep, and dreams he is King Louis XV of France, and that May is Madame du Barry.
In his dream, Charley becomes the Dauphin (later Louis XVI) and Harry becomes the captain of the guard, with Ann as Du Barry's lady-in-waiting, and Alex as a peasant who wrote a rude song about The King and Du Barry (the title song: Du Barry Was a Lady). Eventually after various entanglements (including the Dauphin's shooting the King in the posterior with a bow and arrow), Louis wakes up and realises that Alex is the man for May. He uses the last of his winnings to pay for Alex's divorce from Ann, and (with Charley having just quit his job) goes back to being a washroom attendant.
1939 Broadway Du Barry Was a Lady the Musical Lyrics
Act I
Where's Louie? Every Day's a Holiday It Ain't Etiquette When Love Beckoned Come On In Dream Song Mesdames and Messieurs Gavotte But in the Morning, No! Do I Love You? Do I Love You (Reprise) Du Barry Was a Lady
Act II
Give Him the Ooh-La-La Well, Did You Evah! It Was Written in the Stars L'Apres Midi d'un Boeuf Katie Went to Haiti Katie Went to Haiti (Reprise) Friendship