2021 Broadway DIANA the Musical - Whatever Love Means Anyway Lyrics
Performed by Judy Kaye (Queen Elizabeth), Roe Hartrampf (Prince Charles), Erin Davie (Camilla), Jeanna de Waal (Diana), Anthony Murphy (Paul) and other Cast.
CHARLES: (spoken) What if I'm simply not certain? I mean, were you certain when you married?
ELIZABETH: He got down on one knee Yes, he did it properly And well, that was it for me But love evolves and bends And men take other friends It doesn't mean devotion ends
Love's not what you expect Love rarely is direct Love changes every day Well... Whatever love means anyway
CHARLES: (spoken) So, then...
(sung) I could gеt down on one knee And do it properly And ask you to marry me
DIANA: (spoken) Did you just— Is this a proposal?
CHARLES: (spoken) Wеll, it is
DIANA: (spoken) Oh, my God
CHARLES: I'd guard you from that bloody mess Known as the British press Well, that's it... More or less
DIANA: (spoken) What a terrible proposal
CHARLES: And though you're just-
DIANA: (spoken) Nineteen
CHARLES: (spoken) Thank you
(sung) Someday you'll be crowned Queen The loveliest queen we've ever seen
Though it happened fast This feeling unsurpassed Our affection grows Day by day
A fairy tale formalized A nation mesmerized Let's put our fantasy On full display
DIANA: (spoken) And you're truly in love with me?
CHARLES: (spoken) I am
(sung) Whatever love means anyway
CAST: Whatever love means anyway Anyway
CHARLES: Say the word, and I'll stop it now
CAMILLA: But the girl is quite the "wow" I'm sure that she will satisfy
CHARLES: (spoken) And we're certain?
CAMILLA: We found one young and pure Somehow, you will endure When you get bored, just come on by
You do your duty For your country and your honor
CHARLES: You do your duty For your country and your honor
BOTH: I often think happiness is a luxury
CAST: Was there ever A greater tabloid tale?
She was common, she was dim She was far from worthy of him A fairytale about to turn grim Diana, Diana
PAUL: (spoken) I've been assigned to take care of you, m'lady, if you'll come with me?
DIANA: (spoken) But I must go back to my flat
PAUL: (spoken) Impossible, it's engulfed in photographers
(sung) The queen and prince decree That you must follow me We'll keep the outside world at bay
DIANA: (spoken) But my kindergarten class, I didn't even say goodbye
PAUL: sung] Behind these noble gates Your palace staff awaits For safety's sake, let's lock you away
CAST: A fairytale formalized A nation mesmerized Could they be more in love Than they are today?
Love took us by surprise (You do your duty for your country and your honor) Happiness in disguise (Duty for your country and your honor) Could they be more in love Than they are today?
Whatever love means Whatever love means
CAMILLA: Whatever love means Anyway
CHARLES: So love evolves and bends
CAMILLA: And men take other friends
BOTH: It doesn't mean devotion ends
[Thanks to Harman for lyrics]
Review: Diana the Musical Lyrics Diana the Musical Whatever Love Means Anyway Lyrics
Diana the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Underestimated The Worst Job in England This Is How You People Dance Snap, Click Whatever Love Means Anyway I Will The World Fell in Love Happiness/Simply Breathe She Moves in the Most Modern Ways Diana (The Rage) As I Love You I Miss You Most on Sundays Pretty, Pretty Girl Here Comes James Hewitt Him & Her (& Him & Her)/ Just Dance Secrets and Lies The Main Event Whatever Love Means Anyway (Reprise) Pretty, Pretty Girl (Reprise) Snap, Click (Reprise) The Words Came Pouring Out I Miss You Most on Sundays (Reprise) The Dress The Servant Quartet An Officer's Wife If (Light The World)