The Choir of Man is a British musical created by Nic Doodson and Andrew Kay. Set in a traditional British or Irish pub, the show features a working on-stage bar from which pints of beer are poured for the audience during the performance. Throughout the show, the cast of nine multi-instrumentalist singers perform arrangements of well known pop and rock songs arranged and orchestrated by the show's musical supervisor Jack Blume, while dialogue takes the form of spoken word monologues written by performance poet Ben Norris. The movement direction and choreography is by tap dancer Freddie Huddleston.
The show was first presented at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2017, and has since had seasons at venues around the world, including the Sydney Opera House and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
2021 West End The Choir of Man the Musical Songs with Lyrics
1. Save Tonight / Wake Me Up 2. The Impossible Dream 3. Teenage Dream 4. Hello 5. Escape (The Piña Colada Song) 6. 500 Miles 7. Under The Bridge 8. Chandelier 9. Some Nights 10. Waterloo Sunset 11. You're the Voice 12. The Parting Glass 13. Bring Tomorrow On