Doctor Zhivago - In This House (Reprise) Lyrics

Broadway production 2015
Doctor Zhivago the Musical - In This House (Reprise) Lyrics

On this lawn
I remember picnics
Down this path
Nana's garden grew
By this brook
The willow trees would whisper
All night through

In that room
Your mama took her first steps
Maids prepared
Tea with honeycomb
Now we live in the caretaker's cottage...


Review: Doctor Zhivago the Musical Lyrics
In This House (Reprise) lyrics Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago the Musical Lyrics

Two Words
Komarovsky's Toast
Who is She?
It's a Godsend
When the Music Played
Watch the Moon
Somewhere My Love
Blood on the Snow
A Man Who Lives up to His Name
Women And Little Children / He's There
No Mercy at All
In This House (Reprise)
Love Finds You
It Comes as no Surprise
On the Edge of Time