Holiday Inn - Shaking the Blues Away Lyrics

Broadway musical based on the 1942 film of the same name (2016)
Holiday Inn the Musical - Shaking the Blues Away Lyrics

Megan Lawrence (Louise) signs "Shaking the Blues Away" from Holiday Inn the new Irving Berlin musical.

There's an old superstition 'way down south
Ev'ry darkie believes that trouble won't stay
If you shake it away
When they hold a revival way down south
Ev'ry darkie with care and trouble that day
Tries to shake it away

Shaking the blues away, unhappy news away
If you are blue, it's easy to
Shake off your cares and troubles

Telling the blues to go, they may refuse to go
But as a rule, they'll go if you'll
Shake them away

Do like the darkies do, list'ning to a preacher way down south
They shake their bodies so, to and fro
With every shake, a lucky break

Proving that there's a way to chase your cares away
If you would lose your weary blues
Shake them away, shake them away

Other album songs: Holiday Inn the Musical Songs with Lyrics
Shaking the Blues Away lyrics Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn the Musical Lyrics

Steppin' Out With My Baby
I'll Capture Your Heart
The Little Things in Life
Blue Skies
Marching Along With Time
Heat Wave
It's a Lovely Day Today
Plenty to Be Thankful For
Nothing More to Say
Shaking the Blues Away
White Christmas
Happy Holiday
Let's Start the New Year Right
You're Easy to Dance WIth
Let's Take an Old-Fashioned Walk
Be Careful, It's My Heart
Cheek to Cheek
Easter Parade
Song of Freedom
Let's Say It With Firecrackers