The music and lyrics were written by Billy Recce.
A Musical About Star Wars or, Why Star Wars is the Greatest Thing to Ever in the History of the Galaxy, Much, Much Better than Star Trek is a 2019 American comedy musical who playing Off-Broadway at Theatre Row.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… a Staten Island Blockbuster Video to be exact… two Star Wars fanatics, Scott and Taylor, write the most epic Star Wars musical ever. On their endless quest to perform it at Comic Con – a restraining order filed by Warwick Davis stands in their way – they have opted to perform it on the glamorous off-broadway stages instead! However, dark forces are looming over their production, and her name is Emily.
2019 Off-Broadway A Musical About Star Wars Songs
1. Overture/ All the Exposition That You Need 2. A Musical About Star Wars 3. Welcome/ The Padme Pas De Bourree 4. A Lucas Orgy 5. The Rules Song 6. The X-Wing Effect 7. Backstory Song 8. Anakin 9. More to the Story 10. We Got Leia! 11. Be the Change That You Wish to See in the Galaxy 12. A Musical About Star Wars Finale!