Passion - Soldiers' Gossip I Lyrics |
1994 Broadway Passion the Musical - Soldiers' Gossip I Lyrics
TORASSO Both of them were soaked to the skin. RIZZOLLI Where had they been? AUGENTI On the bluff. LOMBARDI Were they all alone? TORASSO No one knows. LOMBARDI You don't suppose -? BARRI Ugh! RIZZOLLI Gentlemen, enough! TORASSO Still, it would explain Signora's attitude - AUGENTI Why she comes to every meal. BARRI It isn't for the veal. TORASSO And it would explain the Colonel's gratitude. LOMBARDI I hear he calls him "Giorgio" - RIZZOLLI But nobody is that brave. AUGENTI No, that's cheek. RIZZOLLI Nobody is that brave. LOMBARDI Wouldn't you like to peek? TORASSO Ugh! BARRI Gentlemen, I think I'll change my wager: He'll be major next week. RIZZOLLI I'll say! ALL I'll say! I'll say! (A bed is rolled onstage. At first we can't quite make out who's in it: we see a clack-caped form writhing as the bed spins. The black figure lifts up: it is Fosca atop Giorgio, who struggles beneath; the Soldiers and Attendants surround this action)
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