Peter Pan - Wonderful World Without Peter Lyrics |
Classic song from NBC's Peter Pan LIve! (2014) Peter Pan - Wonderful World Without Peter Lyrics
[PETER] Good day to you Hook [HOOK] Good day to you Pan [BOTH] What of a pleasure to meet you again [HOOK] Like a deadly disease [PETER] Or the stuff that you sneeze [HOOK] Or a pimple you squeeze now and then [HOOK] I'll cut off your hide which I'll wear as a pelt and you tongue as my special reward [PETER] Oh dear is that fear or your breath that I smell? Lets get on with the fighting I'm bored [HOOK] Oh the world is so wonderful without Peter [PETER] Over here over here [HOOK] What could be sweeter [PETER] Come and get me old man [HOOK] Than a world without peter pan [PAN] But I'm so cunning and cute And to boot I'm fitter and fleeter. You've grown fat from sitting on your fat divan. Boo! [HOOK] I'd kill you with ease if you'd just care to land [PETER Why care I, I'll just fly through the air [HOOK] Stand still you curr [PETER] Here let me lend you a hand, Lucky me that I have one to spare [HOOK] Oh thank you dear boy [PAN] OW! Thats not fair! [HOOK] Grow up! [PETER] Never! [HOOK] Oh the world would be so wonderful without Peter [PETER] The world is wonderful with me [HOOK] What would be sweeter? [HOOK Than a world without [PETER] Love [BOTH] Peter Pan. I'm pleased to kill you just because I can! [HOOK] You're a brat [PETER] Ypu're a cheat [HOOK] You're the fallas to foes [PETER] You're the flea on a rat [HOOK] You're the wart on my nose [PETER] You're the hair on my suit [HOOK] You're the corn on my toes [PETER] Here take that! [HOOK] Double trap that spoiled behooves [PETER] *cows* ow ow owwwwww! [PIRATES & HOOK] And I dream of a wonderful world without Peter [PETER] What a wonderful world because of [ALL] Pan!
[Thanks to Franny for lyrics]
Read more: Peter Pan LIVE Lyrics Wonderful World Without Peter lyrics Peter Pan LIve lyrics
Peter Pan Songs Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Tender Shepherd I Gotta Crow Never Never Land I'm Flying Pirate March Hook's Tango Wendy Hook's Tarantella I Won't Grow Up Only Pretend Wonderful World Without Peter True Blood Brothers Distant Melody When I Went Home Hook's Waltz I Gotta Crow (reprise) Finale: Never Never Land (reprise)