Ragtime - Gliding Lyrics

Broadway production 1998
Ragtime the Musical - Gliding Lyrics

"Gliding" is a song from musical Ragtime performed by Peter Friedman (Tateh).

Ssshhh. Don't cry. Don't be afraid. I'm here.
We're together.
Ssshh. Look! Ssshhh. Look what I've made for you.
See the silhouettes.
It's a little book of silhouettes.
When you flip the pages, they move.
Look how nice!
This is you on skates
Turning pretty figure-eights
On the smooth, cool ice...
We are gliding,
Gliding on a pond.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
We are gliding,
Gliding far beyond.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Feel the wind
As you pirouette...
Are you happy yet?
Are you happy yet?
Your Mameh would tell you:
"Imagine you're fearless.
Imagine you're fearless
And soon, you won't fear!"
When I am afraid,
I imagine your Mameh.
She skates just ahead.
Can you see her?
She's here!
And we're...
Gliding far away.
Silver skates...
Just down the track.
Glide with me, little one.
Glide with your Tateh.
We'll never
Look back!

My kid would like that! How much?

It's not for... A dollar?

What do you call it?


It's gotta have a name. I'm not paying this much for
something without a name.

They move. I call them... movie... books!
Your father is a
smart man! With this money,
we'll get a clean bed and a hot bath,
and tomorrow we will make more of these and we will
sell them for two dollars.
Tateh's movie books! Everyone
will want them.
They just don't know that yet!
We are gliding,
Gliding far away.
Silver skates
Just down the track!
Glide with me, little one,
Glide with your Tateh.
We'll never
Look back!

Ragtime the Musical Gliding Lyrics

Read more: Ragtime the Musical Lyrics
Gliding Lyrics Ragtime the Musical

Ragtime the Musical Lyrics

Goodbye My Love
Journey On
The Crime of the Century
What Kind of Woman
A Shtetl Iz Amereke
His Name Is Coalhouse Walker
Getting' Ready Rag
Henry Ford
Nothing Like the City
Your Daddy's Son
The Courtship
New Music
Wheels of a Dream
The Night That Goldman Spoke at Union Square
The Trashing of the Car
Till We Reach That Day
Harry Houdini Master Escapist
Coalhouse's Soliloquy
Coalhouse Demands
What a Game
Fire in the City
Atlantic City
Buffalo Nickel Photoplay, Inc.
Our Children
Harlem Nightclub
Sarah Brown Eyes
He Wanted to Say
Back to Before
Look What You've Done
Make Them Hear You
Wheels of a Dream (reprise)