Face the Music is a musical, the first collaboration between Moss Hart (book) and Irving Berlin (music and lyrics).
SYNOPSIS Producer Hal Reisman desperately seeks backers for his Broadway show. Because of the Great Depression, once-rich investors are "Lunching at the Automat". Kit Baker, a former musical-comedy star and her boyfriend Pat Mason are now out of work and poor. In his search, Reisman meets crooked policemen who need to get rid of their illegal money before they are found out. The corrupt police chief Martin van Buren Meshbesher and his eccentric wife Myrtle become investors in the show, expecting it to be a failure. In the show-within-the-show, Rodney St. Clair sings "My Beautiful Rhinestone Girl". However, when risqué material is added the show is raided and the government tries to close it. The flop becomes a hit because of the publicity.
1932 Broadway Face the Music: the Musical Songs Lyrics
1. Lunching at the Automat 2. Let's Have Another Cup of Coffee 3. Torch Song 4. You Must Be Born with It 5. On a Roof in Manhattan 6. My Beautiful Rhinestone Girl 7. Soft Lights and Sweet Music 8. I Say It's Spinach (And the Hell with It) 9. A Toast to Prohibition (Drinking Song) 10. Dear Old Crinoline Days 11. I Don't Want to Be Married 12. Manhattan Madness 13. Investigation
Added songs:
1. Two Cheers Instead of Three 2. The Police Of New York 3. If You Believe 4. How Can I Change My Luck?