1994 Broadway Passion the Musical - Sunrise Letter Lyrics
CLARA Giorgio, I stand here staring at the sunrise, Thinking how we've never seen a Sunrise together Thinking that the sunrise Only means another day without you, And thinking: Can our love survive so much separation, Keep itself alive, much less thrive?
If only you were here, If I could feel your touch, I wouldn't have such fear. If only we had more than letters Holding us together, If we just could hold each other now, The sunrise then could be A thing that I could see And merely think, "How beautiful..." CLARA, GIORGIO Giorgio, I now sit staring at the mirror - You may not believe it, but I swear As I stare there it is plain as day: A gray hair, Of which I was unaware, Which is more than I can bear, Which I'm ripping out right now And am sending on to you As a milestone of my age, As a turning of the page...
Perhaps when next we meet, I'll be a sorry sight, You won't know who I am, My hair completely white, My face a mass of wrinkles. What will you feel then, my Giorgio? GIORGIO Time is now our enemy...
(Unsteadily, Fosca has entered and made her way towards Giorgio; Clara exits) FOSCA You came a great distance to read her letters. Are you trying to get away from me? (Giorgio doesn't respond; he returns the letter to his pocket) Ever since I have recovered, you have made every effort to run away from me. To be free of my company. GIORGIO There are times when I wish to be alone. FOSCA I know that I offend you. GIORGIO I won't have this conversation. FOSCA And what kind of conversation would you prefer, Captain? Something innocuous? Perhaps we could discuss your troops? Or maybe we should talk about the weather? It feels like rain, don't you think? GIORGIO I think you can be incredibly difficult. FOSCA I didn't come here to be difficult. I came here to share your company. (He notices blood on her hands) GIORGIO What have you done to your hands? FOSCA (looking at them blankly) I must have fallen. GIORGIO (attending to her hands) You have no business being out here on your own. FOSCA Do you wish me dead? GIORGIO Fosca, don't be so unfair! FOSCA I know I'm unfair. I want to free you from the burden of my affection. I know the torture you are going through. I do know what it is that I am doing to you. (There is a long, painful moment of silence as they sit and stare off into space) Why is it that the daisies and violets are in blue? GIORGIO They mistake the warmth of autumn for April. FOSCA What is that bird? GIORGIO A wren. FOSCA What does it look like? GIORGIO Small and grey. I think it's the smallest of birds. FOSCA You know so much. (pause) Kiss me. I know I shouldn't ask such a thing. A woman shouldn't have followed a man here. Well, given my appearance, I don't behave as other women do. And so I ask you for a kiss. GIORGIO No. FOSCA Then I will kiss you.
Read more: Passion Musical Lyrics Passion Sunrise Letter Lyrics