1994 Broadway Passion the Musical - Third Letter Lyrics
CLARA Clara, I'm in hell, GIORGIO This is hell, Soldiers Living hell. CLARA Living hell. This godforsaken place - Soldiers This godforsaken place - CLARA This sterile little town, these pompous little men, GIORGIO This military madness... Soldiers This military madness... This military... All Uniforms, uniforms... GIORGIO Military madness... Soldiers Military madness... CLARA, Giorgio My days are spent in maneuvers... Soldiers Uniforms, uniforms CLARA, Giorgio My evenings in discussing the day - Soldiers This is hell - CLARA My nights are spent in thinking of you. GIORGIO Don't forget me, Clara... (Clara exits as the Soldiers march off and the Doctor enters) DOCTOR Good afternoon, Captain. GIORGIO Doctor. DOCTOR Your troops seem to be responding well to your command. GIORGIO Thank you, sir. DOCTOR How are you enjoying your new post? GIORGIO (polite) I find everyone most hospitable. DOCTOR Good. Your company at meals has certainly been a welcome change for me. GIORGIO Thank you. DOCTOR I trust the occasional outburst from Colonel Ricci's cousin hasn't unsettled you today. GIORGIO No. What exactly is wrong with her? DOCTOR She is a kind of medical phenomenon, a walking collection of all possible illnesses. Her diseases are beyond science... GIORGIO The screams? DOCTOR Hysterical convulsions. One might say that her nerve endings are exposed, where ours are protected by a firm layer of skin. GIORGIO Is she in danger of succumbing to this illness? DOCTOR I don't believe so. Her body is so weak, it doesn't have the strength to produce a mortal disease. GIORGIO I don't understand DOCTOR The weak protect themselves. The defensive soldier often lives longer than the brave one. GIORGIO Is she young? DOCTOR Late twenties, I would venture. GIORGIO Pretty? DOCTOR That you must decide for yourself. GIORGIO You don't suppose that she's the Colonel's lover, do you? DOCTOR Captain Bachetti, it's good to see you enjoy an occasional bit of gossip. (Giorgio is immediately embarrassed) No need for discomfort, Captain. We're all human. Your curiousity is understandable. No, I'm afraid Signora Fosca's physical state prevents her from being anyone's lover. Good day.
(He moves off; bugle calls) GIORGIO Clara, don't forget me. Keep me close to you, Clara... (We segue back to the Colonel's dining room; it is morning. Rizzolli and Barri are finishing their breakfast as Giorgio joins them and sits.) RIZZOLLI Late for breakfast, Captain. GIORGIO I decided to accompany my troups at their morning drill. Before their weekly maneuvers. BARRI You're a better officer than I am. I let my sergeant oversee the morning drill. Lombardi (Clearing Fosca's place setting) Well, it looks as if Signora Fosca has disappointed us once again. RIZZOLLI Why keep setting her place? (Bugle call) BARRI (rises) Captain Bachetti, I'm afraid you'll have to take breakfast alone. GIORGIO We still have dinner to share, gentlemen. RIZZOLLI Indeed. BARRI Any chance we might interest you in a game of cards tonight? GIORGIO No. I'm not a gambling man. Rizzolli The boredom of this place will make a gambler of you yet. BARRI Good day, Captain. GIORGIO Gentlemen... (Rizzolli and Barri exit. Giorgio takes out a letter, which he begins to read. Clara enters.)
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