Yank! - Your Squad Is Your Squad Lyrics |
Off-Broadway production (2005) Yank the musical - Your Squad Is Your Squad Lyrics
CZECHOWSKI (spoken): Alright Tennessee! Sit down, shut up, and listen!
(sung) Seems to me your squad is your squad Thick or thin Every man in your squad is your squad Is your squad Didn't that stinking film teach ya' nothin'? Didn't it make you cry? Watchin' old Speedy die To save his buddies Sure, some guys are smelly or odd
(spoken) Like you, Ravioli
CZECHOWSKI (sung): Some you like Some you would ransom Some are a pain Some are handsome!
But everyone is needed, son Till there's assistance from God! Your squad is your squad and your squad Is your squad
(spoken) Now, tell Stu you're sorry. You don't gotta love him, But you gotta except him. Ravioli, help me out
ROTELLI: Seems to me your squad is your squad Toe to toe Facing the foe
PROFESSOR: Seems to me your squad is your squad
BOTH: Your squad is your squad
CZECHOWSKI: Is your squad
PROFESSOR: Say there's bombs Troops getting pounded
ROTELLI: Say that you're trapped You're surrounded!
CZECHOWSKI: You'll cast your lot With them's you got Fella, when push comes to prod Your squad
ROTELLI: Is your squad
PROFESSOR: Is your squad
ALL: Is your squad
PROFESSOR (spoken): Stu, you're a smart guy. You know you're not front line material. Take a mailboat off the ship
TENNESSEE (spoken): No one is leaving on your say so
CZECHOWSKI (spoken): What, you jealous of a couple lovebirds?
ROTELLI (spoken): Of course Mitch loves Stu, I love my buddy
(sung) Professor You know what I’d do for you I’d chew my arm through for you Chew straight through Yes indeed As long as you were safe and free from harm Only one arm I’d need
PROFESSOR (spoken): And you’d look real spiffy with one arm too
ROTELLI: You’re too kind!
PROFESSOR: But seriously
(sung) That’s nothing I’d pay the god’s any price The ultimate sacrifice Do it twice If I could I’d throw my only glasses overboard Swear to the Lord, I would
ROTELLI (spoken): You’d be blind! But I’d lead you around the battlefield
PROFESSOR (spoken): Aw!
CZECHOWSKI (sung): And Tennessee Say you’re annoying me Hypothetically Still I’d swoop in quick to save your dumb hick hide There’s no task I would not do FIght till I’m black and bloody blue For you And feel like I’d won the lottery Knowin’ we got such strong camaraderie!
TENNESSEE (spoken): You don’t understand
CZECHOWSKI: I understand plenty You’re being a dick
PROFESSOR: And all I know is that Mitch had a long face for a month, And his buddy came back and he’s good again!
TENNESSEE: But where were they during the movie? Stu, answer me! Where the hell were you?
STU (sung): Seems to me Your squad is your squad
CZECHOWSKI: Is your squad
PROFESSOR: Is your squad
ROTELLI: Is your squad!
STU: We’re your crew Fighting for you
CZECHOWSKI: Be true to your crew to review
STU: Some of the time you’re glum
ROTELLI: Some you’re cranky!
PROFESSOR: Some days are just the pits Wish you could call it quits
ALL: But look around you Jesus Christ, we make a nice squad! We’re your hope Leave it or take it
PROFESSOR: You’ve seen me cry!
ROTELLI: Seen me naked!
ALL: So, curse your luck By now you’re stuck Squeezed in like peas in a pod Your squad is your squad is your squad Is your…
MITCH: Seems to me Your squad is your squad
[ALL cheer]
MITCH: In or out Make a decision
ROTELLI: Spare us your gripes
PROFESSOR: Your derision!
CZECHOWSKI: And be a friend At least pretend
ALL: All that we need is a nod
ALL: Your squad is your squad Is your squad is your squad Is your God damn squad!
[Thanks to Renee for lyrics]
Other Songs: Yank! the Musical Songs with Lyrics Your Squad Is Your Squad lyrics from Yank the musical