2014 West End Revival Miss Saigon the Musical - Kim's Nightmare Lyrics
THUY Did you think I'd gone away This is the face you saw that day Staring at you with open eyes You're safe in the daylight But in the dark I rise
I'm the crime that you hid For you want yo forget that you killed, but you did! You will never be free Not as long as there's me
Did you think you would escape the judgement that was planned? Did you think you would escape the truth's avenging hand Just because you have escaped the bound'ries of your land I'm here! I'm here! I'm never dead I'm here! I am the guilt inside your head!
You think your marine's not like other men? He betrayed you once And he will again Think about that night Where was he back then
CHRIS I'm getting you out!
CAPTAIN SCHULTZ Sorry, sergeant, as things degenerate All I'm giving her is her emigration papers Without the wait, sign here
CHRIS That's not good enough. . .
CAPTAIN SCHULTZ This will get her on board the carrier You're declaring that you will marry her When you get back to the states, sign here.
SOLDIERS By order of the old man The embassy will close according to plan
CAPTAIN SCHULTZ I'll stretch a couple rules to issue her pass That's it, you're ready. nice ass. who's next?
SOLDIERS By order of the old man We're processing the gooks as fast as we can
CAPTAIN SCHULTZ I mean Vietnamese, hey don't get me wrong Can't leave these looks for the Cong - right?
CHRIS Christ, I am due at the embassy No time to lose
KIM I don't want you to leave me today
CHRIS Well at least Uncle Sam bought our honeymoon cruise
KIM If you're going I don't want to stay
CHRIS Look I'm leaving my gun We got time stay and pack
KIM Well I will do whatever you say
CHRIS We'll get plenty of word when the VC attack I want you in that bed waiting when I get back
DOC Sorry, sergeant, we must accelerate State department says we evacuate The word is, we must be out by dawn
CHRIS But my girl is out there!
REEVES Sorry, sergeant, it's straight from Washington No one leaves the grounds now, not anyone As fast as we load the planes, we're gone
GIBBONS Okay! Keep quiet! don't shout! The Ambassador won't leave till everyone's out The choppers're on their way, there's room for you all
TROY They're climbing over the wall! Get back!
MORE MARINES Get back! I tell you, don't shout The Ambassador won't leave till everyone's out
NOLAN The Ambassador just sent an order to freeze
HUSTON That's it! No more Vietnamese! Get in!
KIM I'm the wife of a soldier Please, let me through! Help me, who must I pay? Tell me what I must do
CHRIS Let me out, I have got to go back to my bride!
KIM Listen, someone! My husband is waiting inside!
CHRIS Please Kim Hear the phone I can't get there Please be home
KIM Please Chris No one sees I am lost here Find me please
BOTH Please, get me through, I don't care how Don't take my love away, not now
KIM CHRIS Oh, Chris I can't get free Still I'm with you Wait for me
CHRIS Oh Kim Please get free I am with you Wait for me
FRYE Sorry sergeant, inside the Embassy! We are pulling out now and there will be no more reprieves
CHRIS I got till the old man leaves!
JOHN Chris, don't be a ass The Ambassador is leaving now
ONE VIETNAMESE Take me with you! Take my children!
ANOTHER I have a letter, look!
ANOTHER I helped the CIA!
CROWD They'll kill who they find here! Don't leave us behind here!
A VIETNAMESE I've a wife who left already!
ANOTHER I have an aunt in New York!
ANOTHER I have gold, I can pay!
CROWD There is no one to find here! They have left us behind here!
KIM I must get in there, listen, anyone! Please tell my husband... look! I have his gun!
A VIETNAMESE Out of my way, if that's all that you've got!
CROWD If I am here when they come, I'll be shot!
CHRIS Let me go, John, I can't leave her Why in the world should I be saved instead of her?
CROWD They'll kill who they find here! Don't leave us behind here!
JOHN It's not you, it's the war that's cruel And if some dreams get smashed, Perhaps it's best they were
CROWD and KIM There is no one to find here! They have left us behind here!
JOHN Wake up, my friend, your mercy trip has failed There's nothing you can do, that ship has sailed She's not the only one we'll have betrayed
CROWD Get to the roof, or else we are betrayed!
KIM Oh, Chris I still believe The heart of you Is here with me My heart, against all odds holds still
KIM You are sunlight and I moon Joined by the gods of fortune Midnight and high noon That's what we are How in one night have we come so far Outside, day starts to dawn One long night time is gone I feel you near I cry no more I know you're here I reach your door And our love is reborn! Bright'ning the sky With the flame Of love Made of sunlight Moonlight
ENGINEER Kim! Kim! Chris isat this hotel! Go quickly!
KIM Take care of Tam!
Read more: Miss Saigon the Musical Lyrics Kim's Nightmare Lyrics Miss Saigon the musical
Miss Saigon the Musical Songs Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Backstage Dreamland The Heat is On in Saigon The Movie in My Mind The Transaction The Dance Why, God, Why? This Money's Yours Sun and Moon The Telephone Song The Deal The Wedding Ceremony Thuy's Arrival Last Night of the World The Morning of the Dragon I Still Believe Back in Town Thuy's Death / You Will Not Touch Him This is the Hour If You Want to Die in Bed Let Me See His Western Nose I'd Give My Life for You Bui Doi The Revelation What a Waste Please Too Much For One Heart Chris is Here Kim's Nightmare Fall of Saigon Sun and Moon (Reprise) Room 317 Now That I’ve Seen Her Maybe The Confrontation Paper Dragons The American Dream This is the Hour (Reprise) Finale