The Notebook - Leave the Light On Lyrics

2024 Broadway
The Notebook the Musical - Leave the Light On Lyrics

The song is written by Ingrid Michaelson.

I'll leave the light on, turn down the bed
Heat up the kettle, butter some bread
Stay up 'til midnight haunting these halls
Let's hang our memories all over these walls
Where have you gone?
Just out for a walk?
And when you get back,
We'll have us a talk
About life, about war, about dinner, and more
'Bout the sun and the moon
And where have you gone?
Another sunset, it happens to fall
Right into a new day, crushing us all
And night after new night,
Like the nights come and gone
Living is waiting,
Living and wanting,
Living alone
And where have you gone?
Just out for a walk?
And when you get back,
We'll have us a talk
About life, about war, about dinner, and more
'Bout the sun and the moon
And we'll go up to bed,
Wash the world from our heads
Are you coming back?
Are you coming back soon?

We build these walls
To live inside
And make a home
And shut our eyes and dream
And when I see you, you're everywhere
Planting a garden, biting your lip
Watching the snowstorm keeping me warm
I almost feel you,
You're kissing my neck
Blinking and breathing,
Laughing and leaving
And the hole in my chest isn't there anymore
Where have you gone?
Oh, where have you gone?
I build these walls to bring you home
But all they bring me is more alone
Maybe I'll move on, maybe I won't
But I'll leave the light on anyway
I'll leave the light on

Review: The Notebook the Musical Lyrics

The Notebook the Musical

Dance With Me
Carry You Home
Blue Shutters
I Paint
Sadness and Joy
Leave the Light On
What Happens
I Wanna Go Back
If This Is Love
Kiss Me
We Have To Try
Iron in the Fridge
Don't You Worry
It's Not Easy
My Days
I Love You More
I Know