Placebo - One Foot On The Ground Lyrics

Placebo the Musical - One Foot On The Ground Lyrics

Music and Lyrics by Danny Abosch.

You'd think I'd know by now,
You dream a big dream,
You get what you get.

Throw all of your coins in one fountain,
You set off climb some great mountain,
The bigger they come,
The harder you fall.

One year ago today,
I had it all planned,
I had it all set,
I might have dreamed nothing at all.

I dreamed of starting a business,
My life undefined.
Building a family with Robert,
Leave all this behind.

But life doesn't care what you see in your mind.
And yet, somehow, you'd think by now,
I'd finally have learned:
If you don't dare to dream,
You'll never get burned.
But strangely,
My heart never seems to be too concerned.

I work from six to twelve and night after night,
It's always the same:
More beer for that man on the end, there,
One scotch on the rocks for his friend, there.

I've wanted to quit since the day I began.
The town all knows my face,
The regulars here all know me by name,
But none of them know who am.

I never thought I'd still be here one year from that day.
Up to my neck in expenses I can't even pay.
I can't take some pill, make there bills go away.
So for now, it's clear,
More time right here is all that's in store.

How quickly one year can turn into four.
Taking order from ordinary people who just have more.

I'll sit on that side of the counter,
And see how it feels to finally be serving a purpose,
Not serving them meals, to pay with just plastic,
To live with ideals.
And dreams like these, they fall like trees,
But here's what I've found:
The smaller the dream, the softer the sound.
It's safer to dream if you keep one foot on the ground.

Read more: Placebo the Musical Lyrics
Placebo One Foot On The Ground Lyrics