I Am in Love Lyrics

Song from "Can-Can" - 1953 Broadway Musical
Cole Porter - I Am in Love Lyrics

I am dejected,
I am depressed,
Yet resurrected
And sailing the crest.
Why this elation,
Mixed with deflation?
What explanation?
I am in love!
Such conflicting questions ride
Around in my brain,
Should I order cyanide
Or order champagne?
Oh, what is this sudden jolt?
I feel like a frighten'd colt
Just hit by a thunderbolt,
I am in love!
I knew the odds
Were against me before,
I had no flair
For flaming desire,
But since the gods
Gave me you to adore,
I may lose
But I refuse to fight the-fire!
So come and enlighten my days
And nerer depart.
You only can brighten the blaze
That burs in my heart,
For I am wildly in love with you,
And so in need of
A stampede of


Review: Can-Can the Musical Songs Lyrics
Cole Porter I Am in Love Lyrics from Can-can the Musical

Can-Can the Musical Lyrics

Introduction & Maidens Typical of France
Never Give Anything Away
C'est Magnifique
Come Along with Me
Come Along with Me (Reprise)
Live and Let Live
I Am in Love
If You Loved Me Truly
Who Said Gay Paree?
Never, Never Be an Artist
It's All Right with Me
Every Man Is a Stupid Man
I Love Paris