Introduction & Maidens Typical of France Lyrics

Song from "Can-Can" - 1953 Broadway Musical
Cole Porter - Introduction & Maidens Typical of France Lyrics

Monsieur President,
Monsieur President,
Monsieur President,
Monsieur President:

We are maidens typical of France,
In a convent educated.
From the wicked clutches of romance,
We have all been segregated.
We know how to sew, we know how to knit,
We know how to read-at least a little bit,
We know how to wash, we know how to clean.
If also we know the difference between
A pair o' panties and a pair o' pants
We are maidens typical of France.

We are maidens typical of France,
In a convent educated.
From the wicked clutches of romance,
We have all been segregated.
We know how to sweep, we know how to dust,
We know how to stew-a rabbit if we must,
We know how to bake, we know how to fry.
If also we know a tart is not a pie
It is because we had the lucky chance
To be maidens typical of France.

We are maidens typical of France;
In a convent educated.
From the wicked clutches of romance,
We have all been segregated.
We're a11 very pure, we're all very good,
We all try to do exactly as we should,
We all go to church, we all say our prayers,
And if, when we dance, we show our derri?res
It is to show that, even when we dance,
We are maidens

They are maidens
Typical of France.


Review: Can-Can the Musical Songs Lyrics
Cole Porter Maidens Typical of France Lyrics from Can-can the Musical

Can-Can the Musical Lyrics

Introduction & Maidens Typical of France
Never Give Anything Away
C'est Magnifique
Come Along with Me
Come Along with Me (Reprise)
Live and Let Live
I Am in Love
If You Loved Me Truly
Who Said Gay Paree?
Never, Never Be an Artist
It's All Right with Me
Every Man Is a Stupid Man
I Love Paris