CALENDAR GIRLS THE MUSICAL is a musical written by Tim Firth and Gary Barlow. The story is based on the film Calendar Girls and is based on a true story. It is produced by David Pugh and Daffyd Rogers.
Synopsis Annie's husband John dies from leukaemia at an early age. Her close friend Chris, wants to purchase a comfortable sofa for the visitors' lounge in the hospital where John was treated. She hits upon the idea of printing a calendar featuring some of the members of the Knapely branch of the Women's Institute, discreetly posing nude while engaged in traditional WI activities, such as baking and knitting, in order to raise funds. Her proposal is initially met with great scepticism, but she eventually convinces ten women to participate in the project with her. They enlist one of the hospital workers, an amateur photographer named Lawrence, to help them with the calendar.
2017 West End Calendar Girls the Musical Songs with Lyrics
Act 1
1. Yorkshire 2. Girls 3. Scarborough 4. Who Wants a Silent Night? 5. Very, Slightly, Almost 6. Mrs Conventional 7. The Flowers of Yorkshire 8. Time Passing 9. Sunflower
Act 2
1. Dare 2. Protect Me Less 3. Girls (Reprise) 4. So I've had a Little Work Done 5. What Age Expects 6. Killimanjaro 7. Crazy Paving 8. Dare (Reprise) 9. My Russian Friend and I 10. For One Night Only 11. Sunflower of Yorkshire 12. Scarborough (Bonus Track)