The Phantom of the Opera - Magical Lasso Lyrics

London production 1986
The Phantom of the Opera the Musical - Magical Lasso Lyrics

Like yellow parchment is his skin
A great black hole serves as the nose that never grew

You must be always on your guard
Or he will catch you with his magical lasso!

Those who speak of what they know
Find too late, that prudent silence is wise
Joseph Buquet, hold your tongue
Keep your hand at the level of your eyes!

Other Songs: The Phantom of the Opera the Musical Lyrics

London production 1986
The Phantom of the Opera the Musical Lyrics


A Rehearsal for Hannibal
Think of Me
Angel of Music
Little Lotte/ The Mirror (Angel of Music)
The Phantom of the Opera
The Music of the Night
I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It
Magical Lasso
Notes.../ Prima Donna
Il Muto (Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh)
Why Have You Brought Us Here?/Raoul, I've Been There
All I Ask of You
All I Ask of You (Reprise)
Masquerade/ Why So Silent?
Notes.../ Twisted Every Way
We Have All Been Blind
A Rehearsal for Don Juan Triumphant
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
Wandering Child.../ Bravo, Monsieur...
The Point of No Return
Down Once More.../Track Down This Murderer