Allegiance - I Oughta Go Lyrics |
Broadway production (2015) Allegiance The Musical - I Oughta Go Lyrics
"I Oughta Go" is a song from the musical 'Allegiance' performed by Katie Rose Clarke (Hannah) and Telly Leung (Sammy).
They told me the Japanese were quiet Wouldn't put up a fuss
She probably likes to have the power over all of us
Been standing a minute here already he (she) is under my skin
I should just throw him out
I need an angle in
* break for lines *
Now we're standing far too close
He's certainly stubborn, have to give him that
I can wait this out all day
I won't be leaving til I get what I want
Why are we in here alone
What if she gets in trouble I'll feel bad I should just be on my way
I oughta, I oughta, I oughta, I oughta I oughta get (going)
I've gotta get back to work
Before I go
You gotta get out
Im gonna come back to see ya just so you know
There's something exasperating And I oughta tell him (her) so
He oughta
I don't wanna but I oughta
Guess I oughta
Just gotta
I oughta go
Spoken: Ugh, wait. Don't tell anyone.
Thank you.
Sung: She's not half bad
Whatd I just do
Oughta go
[Thanks to Haley Franke for lyrics]
Read more: Allegiance the Musical Lyrics Telly Leung and Katie Rose Clarke I Oughta Go lyrics Allegiance
Allegiance The Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Prologue Wishes On The Wind Do Not Fight The Storm Gaman What Makes A Man I Oughta Go Get In The Game Should I? Allegiance Ishi Kara Ishi With You Paradise Higher Our Time Now Resist This Is Not Over Resist (Reprise) Stronger Than Before With You (Reprise) Nothing In Our Way Itetsuita Victory Swing How Can You Go? What Makes A Man (Reprise) Still A Chance