Doctor Zhivago - Blood on the Snow Lyrics

Broadway production 2015
Doctor Zhivago the Musical - Blood on the Snow Lyrics

Leader of army: No! Men,
Back to the front replacements are coming!
On through wind , rain and cold

Soldier: Burn in hell!

Leader: No more fearsome sight to behold !

Soldier: Hang you! Hang the army! Hang the war !
Where was God when we need Him?

Leader: Let us march
For the Czar with a sharp scimitar
Marching forward forward forward...

Soldiers: Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!

Leader: I order you forward! (gunshot)

Pasha: Blood on the snow
The blood of our brother
Spilled for a war
There is no purpose for!
I will lay down my gun
Though some call it treason.
Why should I die if I don't have a reason?
One more death means nothing to anyone !

All: Homeward I go, a soldier no longer
Weary but stronger our days
On the battlefield are done !
Blood on the snow
The blood of our brothers
Spilled for a war there is no purpose for!
I will lay down my gun
Though some call it treason
Why should I die when I don't have a reason?
One more death means nothing to anyone
Homeward I go
A soldier no longer
Weary but stronger my days
On the battlefield are done!

[Thanks to Zelda for lyrics]


Review: Doctor Zhivago the Musical Lyrics

Doctor Zhivago the Musical Lyrics

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