2021 West End CINDERELLA Lloyd Webber Musical - I Know You Lyrics
"I Know You" is a song performed by Victoria Hamilton-Barritt (Stepmother) and Rebecca Trehearn (The Queen).
STEPMOTHER: I recognize your majesty
QUEEN: Of course you do You silly goose I am the queen, of course you knew My profile is on every Franc and every sou
STEPMOTHER: I know who you are I recognize your majesty from days gone by
QUEEN: The small chateau where I grew up? Perhaps Versailles?
STEPMOTHER: That tawdry inn, in the Pigale, I cannot lie I know who you are But why dredge up old memories? Times you got swimmingly through You had preferred that I had never breathed a word I know you I know you
QUEEN: Comе closer, dear, it's coming back a tiny trace I must admit, I nеver quite forget a face Though every feature's in a slightly different place I know who you are I vaguely see you dancing with a beefy man
STEPMOTHER: You're thinking of the Ballets Russes, where I began A pas de deux
QUEEN: But with a rose, and with a fan I know who you are But why poke through your chifforobe? One never knows what one finds
STEPMOTHER: Though in the end you may dig up a useful friend Two like minds I know you
QUEEN: You've quite a knack for bringing back old memories
STEPMOTHER: To help you, dear, to see the forest for the trees
QUEEN: Now I recall you dressed in tights, on a trapeze? I know who you are
QUEEN and STEPMOTHER: Another time, another place and way back when So many years, so many nights
STEPMOTHER: So many men
QUEEN: Remind me, dear one, did I ever like you then?
QUEEN & STEPMOTHER: I know who you are What a joy to see you again Straight from the "how do you do" To in the end discovering a long-lost friend I know you
QUEEN: I know you
Review: CINDERELLA Lloyd Webber Musical Songs Lyrics I Know You Lyrics Cinderella Lloyd Webber Musical
Cinderella Lloyd Webber Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Buns 'n' Roses It Has to Be Her Bad Cinderella So Long Unfair Unbreakable Hunks Song Man's Man So Long (Reprise) Only You, Lonely You I Know You I Know You (Reprise) The Village Square Unfair (Reprise) The Godmother's Shop Beauty Has a Price The Ball I Know I Have A Heart Act 2, Scene 2 I Am No Longer Me Moment of Triumph What Were You Thinking? Far Too Late Ego Has a Price The Ceremony Marry for Love Cinderella's Soliloquy The Wedding Party Finale