Caroline or Change - Underwater Lyrics

Caroline, or Change the Musical - Underwater Lyrics

It's like a song you hear on the radio at night.
Like sleepin with the light out.
It's like the wooden sound
Of your mama sad bassoon.

Noah, someday we'll talk again
But they's things we'll never say.
That sorrow deep inside you,
It inside me too, and it never go away.

You be okay.
You'll learn how to lose things?

My sorrow go where my heart grow calm.
When you stop breathing air
You get oh so calm,
No fire down there,
So it's calm, calm, calm,
And there's never any money,
So it's very, very, calm.
But you miss,
Oh you miss,
The sun and the moon,
And the wooden bassoon.

And sharing cigarettes?
Do you miss sharing a cigarette?

You bet I do, Noah, you bet.


Review: Caroline, or Change the Musical Songs Lyrics
Caroline or Change lyrics Underwater

Caroline, or Change the Musical Lyrics

16 Feet Beneath The Sea
The Radio
Laundry Quintet
Noah Down The Stairs
The Cigarette
Laundry Finish
The Dryer
I Got Four Kids
Caroline, There's Extra Food
There Is No God, Noah
Rose Stopnick Can Cook
Long Distance
Dotty and Caroline
Moon Change
Moon Trio
The Bus
That Can't Be
Noah and Rose
Inside / Outside
No One Waitin
Night Mamma
Gonna Pass Me A Law
Noah, Go To Sleep
Noah Has A Problem
Stuart and Noah
Quarter In The Bleach Cup
Caroline Takes My Money Home
Roosevelt Petrucius Coleslaw
Santa Comin' Caroline
Little Reward
Mr. Gellman's Shirt
Ooh Child
Rose Recovers
I Saw Three Ships
The Chanukah Party
Dotty and Emmie
Mr. Stopnick and Emmie
Kitchen Fight
A Twenty Dollar Bill and Why
I Hate The Bus
Moon, Emmie and Stuart Trio
The Twenty Dollar Bill
Caroline and Noah FIght
Sunday Morning
Lot's Wife
Salty Teardrops
Why Does Our House Have A Basement?